Monday, January 18, 2010

Fitness Rehab

Tonight was our first Hot Yoga class, and it. was. hot. With the heat, comes sweat, and lots of it! You leave feeling very cleansed at the end - it is very satisfying.

We noticed tonights instructor took the classes a little slower than Yoga Groove, and we were even able to follow her with our eyes closed while she verbally guided us through the poses, giving a very medatative feel to the class.

Hot Yoga may seem scary, but I would recommend this class to anyone - even beginners!

Come join us tomorrow for Bosu Blast @ 5:30PM - a strength training class (not looking forward to this!) Mention the promo code "Christine and Kirk" when you come in, and you can join us for free!

Talk to you soon
Christine and Kirk

1 comment:

  1. I was in hot yoga tonight too and I enjoyed it thoroughly. The instructor was very helpful and she was really good with guiding the mind even when all I wanted to do was crash on my mat. I can't wait for bosu blast, I'm pretty curious to try it out for myself.
