Thursday, January 28, 2010

Fitness Rehab Week 3: Personal Training and Yoga

Had my first personal training session last night with Jessica Power-Cyr.... what an evil women she is! She definitly pushed me to my limits last night (even though she was taking it easy on me!) I was ready to just go curl up in a corner :-( by the time she finished. She set me up with a cardio routine, and then a strength routine using the Bosu, weights, matts and the excersize ball. So, now I just have to get my ass to the gym and i have a routine I can do! This was my first time using any cardio equipment, but Jess got my familiarized with the treadmill, eliptical, stepper, bikes and rowing machine (hate the rowing machine, btw).

Silly me, I scheduled myself for a Hot Yoga class immediatly after the personal training... I was so tired from the workout that I found i had a really tough time holding the poses, but the intense heat is so relaxing!!

I was so tired when i got home i couldnt even blog (seemed like that would take WAY too much effort). Feeling ok today, can definitly tell that i worked out last night though (a little stiff, a little sore).

I have really started to notice a change in how I feel - seems like im a little stronger now, and working out has kept me from being bored!

See you Friday @ 5pm for Extreme Interval Traning (FREE) and Sunday @ 12:00 for the SPECIAL Twoonie Yoga ($2). The Twoonie Yoga is annoucing their new charity and it's a secret....hint: Twoonie Yoga is going to the DOGS! Come get good Karma!

Christine and Kirk


  1. What a treat to have you in the class tonight! You guys are really dedicated athletes! You really pushed your bodies tonight .. I am soooo proud of you!! Hope that I get the chance to work out with you again!!
    GoodLuck can do it!!

  2. Hello!

    Just wanted to give a cheer for what you two are doing. Your commitment and sense of adventure is one thing, but I know it is really hard work, too. I hope that amist the pain and sweat you can feel the joy. It is there somewhere if you look for it. Keep going- you are doing AMAZING!
